Welcome to the home page of the Waterloo Region Model Railway Club
We are a prototype-based model railway club located in Maryhill, Ontario (Waterloo Region) building an HO-scale re-creation of the Canadian Pacific Railway’s Sudbury Division as it existed in the 1970s decade. Follow the links at the top of this page to learn more about our group.
See also our club Groups.io message board. Interested non-members are welcome to join, but all sign-up requests must be approved. (This is to prevent spammers.)
Pay Us a Visit
Our club holds an annual fall open house and we are also on the Doubleheaders Layout Tour in the spring. If you are interested in our club or our layout, please take the opportunity to attend one of these events, or contact us at wrmrc (at) hotmail.com to come and meet us at one of our regular sessions or work nights.
Waterloo Railway Exposition