CP 257806 is a Branchline 40ft boxcar kit, assembled to match the NSC 1951-built cars within the CP 257500-258199 series. It is painted in the mid-70s CP Rail scheme; with reporting marks and road number all inline, no black frame stripe, and Multimark applied to the left on both sides. Weathering was lightly applied on purpose, as this represents a recently repainted car on our ’70s-era CP Sudbury Division layout.
It should be noted that Branchline was acquired by Atlas, and their line is now offered as ready-to-run models. However if you are lucky to own any undecorated Branchline kits, they supplied 4 different ends, two roof styles and a choice of 7- or 8-rung ladders. Simply by building the kit with the supplied early 4-4 Dreadnaught ends, a rectangular panel roof, and the 8-rung ladder; you end up with this match for a Canadian-built, National Steel Car prototype.