AAR Class: RBL 40′ Mechanical Refrigerated Boxcar
Modelled by Ted Kocyla
The Prototype
Fifteen cars rebuilt into series 285600-285614 by Angus in 1968 from former 165000-series Insulated/Heated Boxcars (DOSCO/Hawker-Siddeley blt-1963).
•Operated as refrigerated cars until 1975, then reefer units removed and “Controlled Temperature” painted over.
•Cars operated as Insul/Heated Boxcars from 1975 until retired in 1993.
The Model
1.Start with a pre-painted Accurail CP Plug Door Boxcar (no decals are available so factory paint must be salvaged).
2.Remove all cast details (ladders, grabirons), cut off ends and remove roof-walk.
3.Add Sylvan NSC-3 ends, fill mounting holes from factory roof-walk.
4.Extend door guides, modify side-sill, modify Youngstown plug-door to more closely resemble a Superior plug-door.
5.Add modified A-Line “ThermoKing” Trailer Reefer unit to A-end of car. Scratchbuild temperature regulator equipment and associated plumbing on sides of car.
6.Scratchbuild under slung 40 KW diesel generator unit and a 500 gallon fuel tank – parts now available from GREAT WESTERN (kit # R111)
7.Assemble underbody brake rigging details.
8.Install new 8-rung ladders, grabirons, door-grabs, B-end brake details, etc..
9.Touch up paint on sides and roof with PolyScale “Flat Aluminium”, re-paint ends black (Accurail model ends are incorrectly painted aluminium).
10.Install Kadee #58s (scale couplers), replace factory wheels with Intermountain 33″ wheels.
11.Add a few additional appropriate decals and weather heavily (CP reefers were “dirt magnets”).
*** This car won first-place honours in the “Classic Freight Car” category at the 2002 Toronto/Southern Ontario Prototype Modellers Meet.
*** Ted wishes special thanks to Fred Shannon (Great Western Passenger Car Details) for his help in providing plans for the generator and fuel tank.