1962 Uniform Code of Operating Rules – Movement of Trains and Engines


82. Time table schedules, unless fulfilled, are in effect for twelve hours after their time at each station.

Regular trains more than twelve hours behind either their schedule arriving or leaving time at any station lose both right and schedule and can thereafter only proceed as authorized by train order.

83. Unless otherwise directed by time table or train order, conductors must register their train at the register stations designated to them in the time table. When a train is authorized to register by register ticket, conductor must deliver register ticket to the operator who will register the train and retain the ticket. Should the operator fail to obtain the ticket, he will not enter any information on the train register except such as may be authorized by train order.

83A. A train must not leave its initial station on any subdivision, enter into or move in territory where trains are operated under train order authority, pass from one of TWO OR MORE TRACKS to SINGLE TRACK or MORE THAN TWO TRACKS to TWO TRACKS, until it has been ascertained whether all trains due which are superior have arrived or left.

83B. When necessary to check the train register to ascertain whether all trains which are superior have arrived or left, conductor must fill out train register check on the prescribed form and deliver, or have it delivered, to engineman before leaving register station.

83C. When a train is required to meet, or wait for, an opposing extra train, or when an extra train has been made superior to an opposing train, the train register must not be used as evidence for the arrival of such extra train, except as provided by train order, Example (8) of Form W.

83D. Unless otherwise directed by time table, train order, or as provided by Rule 83E, a train must not leave its initial station, or other stations as may be designated in the time table, without a clearance.

83E. Regular trains scheduled over two or more subdivisions and having the same number on each may assume the schedule of the train of the same number at intermediate initial stations and leave without clearance if no operator on duty and train order signal (if any) indicates proceed.

83F. At bulletin stations designated in the time table, conductors and enginemen must read and sign the bulletins or instructions posted before commencing work. Other employess in train, engine or yard service are required to familiarize themselves therewith.

83G. Bulletins affecting the movement of trains will be re-issued each month.

84. A train must not start until the proper signal is given.

85. Trains of one schedule may pass trains of another schedule of the same class, and extra trains may pass and run ahead of fourth class and extra trains.

A section must not pass and run ahead of another section of the same schedule without first exchanging train orders, signals and numbers with the section to be passed. The change in sections must be reported to the train dispatcher from the first open train order office.

In all instances in the exchange of train orders, conductors and enginemen must know that the train orders, clearances and instructions exchanged are correctly understood by the other. Before either train proceeds, the engineman must read his train orders aloud to the conductor.

85A. (SINGLE TRACK) When a section passes another section of the same schedule, unless authorized by train order, the leading train must notify opposing trains affected until the next open train order office is reached and the train dispatcher advised.

86. Unless otherwise provided, an inferior train must be clear at the time a superior train in the same direction is due to leave the next station in the rear where time is shown, except that in ABS territory it must be clear in sufficient time to avoid displaying other than clear signal indications to a following superior train.

87. (SINGLE TRACK) An inferior train must keep out of the way and clear opposing superior trains by not less than five minutes. An inferior train failing to clear the main track by the time required must be protected as prescribed by the rules.

Extra trains will be governed by train orders with respect to opposing extra trains. At meeting points between extra trains the train in the inferior time table direction will take the siding unless otherwise provided.

Trains required to take the siding at train order meeting points must pull in when practicable; when required to back in the train must be protected as prescribed by the rules.

89. (SINGLE TRACK) When necessary to stop to meet a train, the train holding the main track must stop clear of of the track to be used by the other train.

89A. (SINGLE TRACK) A train must not leave any point without knowing positively that the train or train which it was required to meet or clear at that point have arrived.

90. The conductor of every passenger train must give communicating signal 16 (m) between one and three miles from every station at which it is to meet or wait for a train, clear a superior train, or move through a siding or crossover when so instructed. The engineman must make running test of the brakes as soon as practicable and then give whistle signal 14 (n) in acknowledgement. Should the engineman fail to respond to signal 16 (m) as herein prescribed, action must be taken to stop the train before reaching the point of restriction.

(SINGLE TRACK) On other trains, the engineman must give whistle signal 14 (n) between one and three miles from every station at which it is to meet or wait for a train, clear an opposing superior train. Should the engineman fail to give whistle signal 14 (n), other members of crew on engine must at once remind him of the requirement.

90A. Unless otherwise directed by special instructions, on freight, mixed and work trains in motion between stations, conductors and enginemen will see that trainmen are at the front and rear of trains in position to observe the safe operation of trains and when practicable, exchange signals when approaching and passing stations. Approaching junctions, railway crossings at grade, drawbridges, points where trains may be required to stop, where trains are to be met or passed, and at safe distance before descending heavy grades or at any point where the failure of the brakes may be attended with hazard, a trainman must be within convenient access of the emergency valve.

91. Unless some form of block signal system is in operation to the next train order office or to the station where the preceding and following trains diverge, and except in closing up at stations, the following intervals must be maintained between trains in the same direction:

Between a preceding train and a train operating a snow plow – when all preceding trains have arrived at a station ahead. Train dispatcher will ensure such interval is maintained at open train order offices, but when this cannot be done the snow plow train will be directed by train order to – “run at restricted speed from…” . When a snow plow train is delivered a clearance bearing notation “wire failure”, or is passed by another train and is unable to obtain information that the preceding train has arrived at a station ahead, it may follow after twenty minutes, running at restricted speed until such advice received;

Between other trains – at least twenty minutes, unless report has been received of the arrival of the preceding train at a station ahead;

Radio may be used by the crews to ensure that the prescribed intervals are maintained.

This rule does not relieve employees from protecting their train as required by Rule 99.

EXCEPTION: The interval required by this rule need not be maintained by rail test cars when testing and track inspection cars when operating as trains.

91A. Unless some form of block signal system is in operation to the next open train order office, the train order signal will be used to maintain the interval prescribed by Rule 91, paragraph 3, and must be displayed at stop promptly after the rear of the train has passed the station.

92. A train must not leave a station in advance of its schedule leaving time.

93. Within yard limits the main track may be used clearing the time of first and second class trains at the next station where time is shown. Protection against third class, fourth class, extra trains and engines is not required.

Third class, fourth class, extra trains and engines must move within yard limits at restricted speed unless the main track is known to be clear.

NOTE: In ABS territory, indications permitted trains to proceed do NOT relieve third class, fourth class, extra trains and engines from the requirement of moving at restricted speed, except that “Clear Signal” Rule 281 may be accepted as indication that the track is clear, but only to the next signal, or “block end” sign.

Unless otherwise directed by special instructions, yellow lights must be displayed on yard limit signs from sunset to sunrise.

Except in ABS territory, approach signs will be placed one mile from yard limit signs.

By night, or in foggy or stormy weather, a light must be placed on both ends of unattended cars or dead engines obstructing the main track within yard limits.

(TWO OR MORE TRACKS) Within yard limits, when moving against the current of traffic, all trains and engines must move at restricted speed.


NOTE: This rule must be adopted for the entire system of a railway (Single Track), or not used at all, but will not apply in CTC.

On subdivisions designated in the time table, the outer main track switches of sidings will be considered station limits, and within such limits the main track may be used clearing the time of first and second class trains at the next station where time is shown. Protection against third class, fourth class, extra trains and engines is not required.

Third class, fourth class, extra trains and engines must move within station limits at restricted speed unless the main track is known to be clear.

NOTE: In ABS territory, indications permitted trains to proceed do NOT relieve third class, fourth class, extra trains and engines from the requirement of moving at restricted speed, except that “Clear Signal” Rule 281 may be accepted as indication that the track is clear, but only to the next signal, or “block end” sign.

94. A train which overtakes another train so disabled that it cannot proceed may pass it, if practicable, and if necessary will assume the schedule and take the train orders of the disabled train, proceed to the next open train order office, and there report to the train dispatcher. The disabled train will assume the right or schedule and take the train orders of the last train with which it has exchanged, and will, when able, proceed to the next open train order office, and there report to the train dispatcher. Trains affected which are met or passed under these circumstances must be notified.

95. Except as provided herein, or by Rules 85 or 94, a train must not display signals for a following section without train order authority.

Two or more sections may be run on the same schedule. Each section has equal time table authority.

In CTC, or in territory where Rule 251 applies over an entire subdivision or to the terminating station of a schedule on a subdivision, a section may be authorized from its initial station by a clearance which must be OK’d by train dispatcher, as “First 17 Green Signals”, or “Second 17 Signals nil”, etc.

96. Signals must not be ordered displayed to other than a terminating station of a schedule.

When trains are run as sections of a schedule, a section is responsible for preventing the following section passing it without proper authority.

96A. A regular train must not be created a station other than its initial station without train order authority. A train which has been detoured must not again take up its own schedule on the same subdivision without train order authority. In such instances, the schedule must be annulled between the stations where it has not been fulfilled.

97. Except as provided herein, extra trains must not be run without train order authority.

In CTC, or in territory where Rule 251 applies, extra trains may be authorized by a clearance which must be OK’d by train dispatcher.

In territory specified in the timetable, or special instructions, extra trains may be authorized to run with the current of traffic on two or more tracks by a clearance which must be OK’d by train dispatcher.

98. Unless protected by block or interlocking signals, trains and engines must approach the end of two or more tracks, junctions, railway crossings at grade and drawbridges, at restricted speed.

Unless otherwise specified in special instructions, the speed of any train or engine must not exceed thirty-five miles per hour at interlocked railway crossings at grade until the entire movement has passed the crossing.

Unless otherwise specified in special instructions, the speed of any train or engine must not exceed twenty-five miles per hour at interlocked drawbridges until the entire movement has passed the drawbridge.

Trains or engines must stop at the stop signs at non-interlocked railway crossings at grade and non-interlocked drawbridges and not proceed until the proper signal has been given for that purpose.


When a train is moving under circumstances in which it may be overtaken by another train, lighted fusees must be dropped at proper intervals and such other action taken as may be necessary to ensure full protection.

When a train stops under circumstances in which it may be overtaken by another train, a flagman must immediately go back a sufficient distance to ensure full protection:

In day time, if there is no down grade toward train within one mile of its rear and there is a clear view of its rear of 2000 yards from an approaching train……at least 1000 yards;

At other times and places, if there is no down grade toward train within one mile of its rear…………..at least 1500 yards;

If there is a down grade toward train within one mile of its rear…………..at least 2000 yards.

The flagman must, after going back a sufficient distance from the train to ensure full protection, take up a position where there will be an unobstructed view of him from an approaching train of, if possible, of 500 yards, first placing torpedoes not more than 100 nor less than 50 yards apart to cause two explosions at least 200 yards beyond such position. If necessary to go beyond the required distance he will leave the torpedoes at the required distance as an indication of the location of the train, but must, under such conditions, also place torpedoes at the point at which an approaching train is flagged. Torpedoes so placed must not be removed.

The front of a train must also be protected in the same manner when necessary.


When a train stops under circumstances in which it may be overtaken by another train, with the protection of at least two block signals to the rear, protection against following trains will have been afforded when a flagman has taken up position from which stop signals can be plainly seen by an approaching train from a distance of at least 300 yards from the train being protected.

When necessary to protect against trains moving in the opposite direction, flag protection prescribed for OUTSIDE ABS TERRITORY must be provided, except that on single track where there are at least two block signals to the front governing opposing trains, protection will have been afforded when a flagman has taken up position from which stop signals can be plainly seen by an approaching train from a distance of at least 300 yards from the train being protected.


When a train stops under circumstances in which it may be overtaken by another train, the engineman will immediately signal the flagman to protect the rear. When ready to proceed he will recall the flagman.

After taking up position at the distance required, flagman must remain at that point until recalled or relieved and safety of the train will permit. Flagman must always on the approach of a train display stop signals.

If recalled before another train arrives, he must leave a fusee burning red at the point from which he returns, and while returning to his train, a fusee burning red must be placed at such points or times as may be necessary to ensure full protection. A fusee burning red must be left at the point from which the train moves.

When curvature, weather or other conditions require, or when snowplows or flangers may be running, extra precaution must be taken.

Flagmen must be each equipped for day time with
A red flag on a staff;
At least eight torpedoes and
Seven red fusees, and

For night time and when weather or other conditions obscure day time signals,
A white light,
A supply of matches,
At least eight torpedoes,
Seven red fusees.

A train should not stop between stations at a place where the view from following trains is obstructed if it can be avoided.

Conductors and enginemen are responsible for the protection of their trains.

100. When providing protection required by Rule 99 and it is necessary to hold trains or advise them of specific movements of the train being protected, flagman should, when practicable, be furnished with written flagging instructions to be shown to the engineman of trains affected.

101. Trains and engines must be fully protected against any known condition, not covered by the rules, which interferes with their safe passage.

When for any reason a portion of a train is left on the main track every precaution must be taken to protect the remaining portion against the returning movement. In the absence of conductor at head end of train when movement is commenced the engineman with arrange for the necessary protection. Torpedoes must be placed a sufficient distance in advance and in addition by night or when weather or other conditions required, a white light must be prominently displayed on the front of the leading car.

The remaining portion must not be moved nor passed until the engine returns, unless the movement is adequately protected.

102. When a train is disabled, or stopped suddenly by an emergency application of the air brakes or other causes, a lighted red fusee must immediately be displayed on adjacent tracks at front and rear of train. Adjacent tracks as well as tracks of other railways that are liable to be obstructed must at once be protected in both directions as prescribed by Rule 99 for OUTSIDE ABS TERRITORY until it is known such tracks are safe and clear for the movement of trains.

103. When cars are pushed by an engine, except when switching or making up trains in a yards, and even then when conditions require, a member of the crew must be on the leading car and in a position from which signals necessary to the movement can be properly given.

When cars not headed by an engine are passing along a public road or over a public crossing at grade which is not adequately protected by gates or otherwise, a member of the crew must be on the leading car to warn persons standing, on, crossing, or about to cross the track.

No part of a car or engine must occupy any part of a public crossing at grade for a longer period than five minutes, and a public crossing at grade must not be obstructed by switching operations for more than five minutes at a time.

When necessary to cut trains at public crossings at grade, except where a member of the crew is to protect the crossing, or where other protection is provided, cars or engines must not be left standing within 100 feet of the travelled portion of the public road.

Where special instructions require that switching movements over certain public crossings and grade be protected by a member of the crew, such protection must be provided by a member of the crew from a point on the ground at the crossing until the crossing is fully occupied.

When a train or engine passes over any public crossing at grade protected by automatic signals or automatic gates, it will be necessary before making a reverse movement over the crossing for a member of the crew to protect the same.

Before making switching movements over unprotected public crossings at grade where the engineman’s view of the crossing is obscured, arrangements must be made for a member of the crew to be in position to observe the crossing and give signals to the engineman as necessary.

At public crossings at grade at which there are automatic warning devices to indicate the approach of trains or engines on the main track, movements over such crossings on other than main tracks must not, unless otherwise provided, exceed ten miles per hour from 100 feet distant until the engine or leading car has passed over the crossing.

At public crossings at grade referred to in time table instructions, where protection devices are required to be operated by use of push buttons or other appliances, movements must not obstruct the crossing until the protection devices have been operating for at least twenty seconds.

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2025 Doubleheaders Layout Tour – Saturday March 29th, 2025

It’s that time of year again!

On Saturday, 29 March 2025, our CP Sudbury Division will be open to the public in participation with the annual Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge-Guelph and area layout tour, organized by the Doubleheaders Model Railway Club. This is a self-guided tour of a large number of club and private home layouts in the area.

If you are new to the Doubleheaders tour there are approximately 25 different layouts you can visit, varying from large club setups to small N-scale pikes, and you can see everything from tinplate trains to scratch-built prototype models. However the layouts are spread over a large area, which makes it difficult to see them all in a day. So you should prepare for a full day of layout touring, and also maybe consider making this an annual, or at least semi-annual event to frequent over the years.

For more details and ticket information please visit the Doubleheaders Model Railway Club web site.

Please note: Though some layouts on the tour are open later, the WRMRC will only be open from 9 am to 5 pm.

Hope to see you then!

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