
Membership Information

  • Interested in the CPR, or northern Ontario railroading?
  • Want to learn more about prototype railway modelling?
  • Wish to participate in realistic operating sessions?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you should consider the WRMRC.

A club layout obviously offers the ability to model on a grander scale than is usually possible on a home layout. If you are unsure about joining a club, there are many differences which make the WRMRC a unique group. The most important is that we have set clear and defined modelling goals and objectives. This actually limits club politics, so instead we spend more time modelling, building, operating, and having fun.

But what if I have no interest in the Canadian Pacific Railway, the 1970s, or northern Ontario modelling? Why should I join?

The founders of the WRMRC understood that setting a specific prototype railway, location, and era would limit our popularity. But there is an attraction to modelling something that is real, or was real at some point in the past. Additionally, having a set plan produces a number of positive qualities:

  • Clear goals and standards result in superior layout operation and appearance.
  • With such standards construction becomes well-ordered and motivated.
  • No conflicts in modelling direction, regardless of changes in membership.
  • Accomplishing common objectives leads to good feelings and camaraderie.

The WRMRC also holds prototype operating sessions. Not certain what that means? Think of it as a giant multi-player role-playing game. We become engineers, conductors, dispatchers and yardmasters. Train schedules are followed, along with blocking of freight traffic between trains. Freight delivery is governed by a waybill system which mimics real-life customer demand. In short, our CP Sudbury Division layout becomes a miniature transportation system.

Joining the WRMRC also includes the opportunity to build, kitbash, paint, and weather models with the help and guidance of our more experienced members.

As an added incentive we offer your first month of membership free. This allows you to join in on our regular work nights and participate in an operating session, and make sure the WRMRC is right for you.

For more information about membership or the WRMRC in general, please email us at:

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2025 Doubleheaders Layout Tour – Saturday March 29th, 2025

It’s that time of year again!

On Saturday, 29 March 2025, our CP Sudbury Division will be open to the public in participation with the annual Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge-Guelph and area layout tour, organized by the Doubleheaders Model Railway Club. This is a self-guided tour of a large number of club and private home layouts in the area.

If you are new to the Doubleheaders tour there are approximately 25 different layouts you can visit, varying from large club setups to small N-scale pikes, and you can see everything from tinplate trains to scratch-built prototype models. However the layouts are spread over a large area, which makes it difficult to see them all in a day. So you should prepare for a full day of layout touring, and also maybe consider making this an annual, or at least semi-annual event to frequent over the years.

For more details and ticket information please visit the Doubleheaders Model Railway Club web site.

Please note: Though some layouts on the tour are open later, the WRMRC will only be open from 9 am to 5 pm.

Hope to see you then!

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