- Pineland Spur
- Pineland Spur
- Pineland Spur
- Pineland Spur
Mileage 34.1 Webbwood Subdivision
Located at the west end of Nairn, the Pineland Spur serves a lumber mill operated by E.B. Eddy Forest Products. One of the unique operational aspects of the Sudbury area is that CP ran a unit train of logs from a siding at Ramsay, on the Nemegos subdivision west of Cartier, to Nairn to supply this mill. Cars of finished lumber would also be loaded on the spur in front of the log unloading area.
Prototype Photos
- Nairn
- Nairn
- Nairn
- Nairn
- Nairn
- Nairn
- CPI 25050
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